Florian Weichsberger


The artistic examination of the transience of life goes back to the classical period and culminates in the well-known Vanitas still life of the 16th and 17th centuries. In my series Vanitas I examine this well-known motif in three very different ways and create new interpretations and perspectives, from my point of view. One part of this "triptych" examines Vanitas from the point of view of self-perception, small oval mirrors processed as brooches, remind us of our finitude. Another part of this series deals with corporeality, where I formed amorphous lumps of clay into bones. A bangle reminds us of the skeleton within us, but at the same time exhilarates us with its absurd and almost hilarious appearance. Vanitas exists for me in everyday life as well, translucent shimmering forms - cast from product packaging - attempt to capture the fleeting pleasure afforded us by the contents of these wrappers.

Florian Weichsberger

